Why India?

After being open to go wherever in the world someone said they could really use Kyle and me for ministry, I, Jason, finally asked Kyle, "If we have to pick somewhere, where would it be?" His reply was, "Well... I've been thinking about India a lot lately." I responded, "Me too. Let go there." It's difficult to explain the Holy Spirit's leading, but we both felt at peace with the prospect of going to India, and we could finally begin pursuing connections to see our call realized.

Finding ourselves free of commitments and called to serve God, we agreed that we wanted to go oversees for a few months after graduating from Biola University in Spring 2011. We are excited to go together into this adventure that is full of unknowns and will undoubtedly be a time of great growth. The GDP per capita is $3,400, compared to $47,000 in the U.S. Out of the overwhelming population of 1.19 billion people, only 2.3% are Christian! Please pray for us as we visit India and all the difficulties that we may encounter.

CIA World Factbook 
India Wikipedia page 
India Demographics Wiki